SAFE Manager

A central hub for all SAFEs

Smart contract code: GebSafeManager

1. Summary

The SAFE Manager is an abstraction around the SAFEEngine that allows anyone to easily manage their GEB positions.

2. Contract Variables & Functions


  • safeEngine - the address of the SAFEEngine

  • safei - auto incrementing nonce

  • cdps[safeId: uint256] - mapping between SAFE ids and SAFE

  • cdpList[safeId: uint256] - double linked list indicating the previous and next SAFE ids of a provided SAFE

  • ownsCDP[cdpId: uint256] - indicates the owner of a SAFE

  • collateralTypes[cdpId: uint256] - the collateral type backing the SAFE with id safeId

  • firstSAFEID[owner: address] - the first safeId of an owner

  • lastSAFEID[owner: address] - the last safeId or an owner

  • safeCount[owner: address] - the amount of SAFEs and address has

  • safeCan[owner: address, safeId: uint256, allowedAddr: address] - whether an address is allowed to interact with a SAFE

  • handlerCan[safeHandler: address, allowedAddr: address] - whether an address is allowed to interact with a SAFE's handler

Data Structures

  • List - a struct containing the previous and the next SAFE ids of a specific SAFE. Contains:

    • prev - the previous SAFE id

    • next - the next SAFE id


  • allowSAFE(safe: uint256, usr: address, ok: uint256) - allow an address to interact with a SAFE with a specific id

  • allowHandler(usr: address, ok: uint256) - allow an address to interact with a SAFE handler

  • openSAFE(collateralType: bytes32, usr: address) - create a new SAFE id and handler

  • transferSAFEOwnership(safe: uint256, dst: address) - transfer a SAFE to another address

  • modifySAFECollateralization(safe: uint256, deltaCollateral: int256, deltaDebt: int256) - add/remove collateral to and from a SAFE or generate/repay debt

  • transferCollateral(safe: uint256, dst: address, wad: uint256) - transfer collateral from a SAFE to another address

  • transferInternalCoins(safe: uint256, dst: address, rad: uint256) - transfer SAFEEngine.coinBalance system coins between addresses

  • quitSystem(safe: uint256, dst: address) - migrate the SAFE to a destination address

  • enterSystem(safe: address, src: uint256) - import a SAFE to the handler owned by an address

  • moveSAFE(safeSrc: uint256, safeDst: uint256) - move a position between SAFE handlers

  • protectSAFE(safe: uint256, liquidationEngine: address, saviour: address) - choose a SAFESaviour for a SAFE


  • AllowSAFE - emitted when allowSafe is called. Contains:

    • sender - the msg.sender

    • safe - the SAFE id

    • usr - the address of the user that is allowed/forbidden from managing the SAFE

    • ok - whether the usr is allowed or not to manage the SAFE

  • AllowHandler - emitted when allowHandler is called. Contains:

    • sender - the msg.sender

    • usr - the handler

    • ok - whether it is allowed or not

  • TransferSAFEOwnership - emitted when transferSAFEOwnership is called. Contains:

    • sender - the msg.sender

    • safe - the SAFE id

    • dst - the new owner

  • OpenSAFE - emitted when a new SAFE is created using openSAFE. Contains:

    • sender - the msg.sender

    • own - the SAFE owner

    • safe - SAFE id

  • ModifySAFECollateralization - emitted when modifySAFECollateralization is called. Contains:

    • sender - the msg.sender

    • safe - the SAFE id

    • deltaCollateral - the amount of collateral to add/remove

    • deltaDebt - the amount of debt to repay/withdraw

  • TransferCollateral - emitted when transferCollateral is called. Contains:

    • sender - the msg.sender

    • safe - the SAFE id

    • dst - the destination SAFE id

    • wad - amount of collateral to transfer

  • TransferInternalCoins - emitted when transferInternalCoins is called. Contains:

    • sender - the msg.sender

    • safe - the SAFE id

    • dst - destination for internal coins

    • rad - amount of internal coins to transfer

  • QuitSystem - emitted when quitSystem is called. Contains:

    • sender - the msg.sender

    • safe - the SAFE id

    • dst - the destination handler for the SAFE

  • EnterSystem - emitted when enterSystem is called. Contains:

    • sender - the msg.sender

    • src - the source handler for the SAFE

    • safe - the SAFE id

  • MoveSAFE - emitted when moveSAFE is called. Contains:

    • safe - the SAFE id

    • safeSrc - the source ID that has the current handler controlling the SAFE

    • safeDst - the destination SAFE id that has the handler which will control the safe from now on

  • ProtectSAFE - emitted when protectSAFE is called. Contains:

    • sender - the msg.sender

    • safe - the SAFE id

    • liquidationEngine - the LiquidationEngine where saviour is and that can liquidate safe

    • saviour - the saviour that will protect the SAFE

3. Risks

When openSAFE is executed, a new safeHandler is created and a safeId is assigned to it for a specific owner. If the user calls CollateralJoin.join to add collateral to the safeHandler immediately after the SAFE creation transaction is mined, there is a chance that a chain reorg occurs. This would result in the user losing the ownership of the safeHandler and therefore lose their collateral. Users can avoid this issue when using proxy actions.

Last updated

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