Delegatecall based proxy with an enforced delay
1. Summary
allows authorized users to schedule function calls that can only be executed once some predetermined waiting period has elapsed. The configurable delay
attribute sets the minimum wait time between scheduling and executing a transaction.
2. Contract Variables & Functions
scheduledTransactions[hashedTx: bytes32]
- mapping with all scheduled transactions. AhashedTx
consists of an addressusr
into, the expected codehash ofusr
to use and the first possible time of executionproxy
- the proxy contract that will executescheduledTransactions
in an isolated environment. It can only be called byDSPause
- the delay applied to everyscheduledTransaction
- the current number of concurrently scheduled transactionsmaxScheduledTransactions
- the max number of transactions that can be scheduled at the same timeMAX_DELAY
- the maximum delay for a transaction from the moment it is scheduledDS_PAUSE_TYPE
- the type of theDSPause
contract (can beBASIC
- checks ifmsg.sender
setOwner(owner: address)
- set a new contract owner. Overriden fromDSAuth
setAuthority(authority: DSAuthority)
- set an authority contract. Overriden fromDSAuth
setDelay(delay: uint256)
- set a delay applied to allscheduledTransactions
,codeHash: bytes32
,parameters: bytes
,earliestExecutionTime: uint)
- schedule a new transaction by providingusr
's codehash, the calldata and the first possible time of executionscheduleTransaction(usr: address
,codeHash: bytes32
,parameters: bytes
,earliestExecutionTime: uint
,description: string)
- schedule a new transaction and attach a description to itattachTransactionDescription(usr: address
,codeHash: bytes32
,parameters: bytes
,earliestExecutionTime: uint
,description: string)
- attach a description for an already scheduled transactionabandonTransaction(usr:address
,codeHash: bytes32
,parameters: bytes
,earliestExecutionTime: uint)
- delete a scheduled transactionexecuteTransaction(usr:address
,codeHash: bytes32
,parameters: bytes
,earliestExecutionTime: uint)
- execute a scheduled transaction. Throws if thescheduledTransaction
has not yet passed
- emitted when thedelay
is changed. Contains:delay
- the new delay
- emitted when a new transaction is scheduled. Contains:sender
- themsg.sender
that scheduled the transactionusr
- the target contractcodeHash
- the code hash ofusr
- parameters for the transactionearliestExecutionTime
- earliest time when the transaction can be executed
- emitted when governance abandons a previously scheduled transaction. Contains:sender
- themsg.sender
that scheduled the transactionusr
- the target contractcodeHash
- the code hash ofusr
- parameters for the transactionearliestExecutionTime
- earliest time when the transaction can be executed
- emitted when a transaction is executed. Contains:sender
- themsg.sender
that scheduled the transactionusr
- the target contractcodeHash
- the code hash ofusr
- parameters for the transactionearliestExecutionTime
- earliest time when the transaction can be executed
- emitted when governance attaches a description to a scheduled transaction. Contains:sender
- themsg.sender
that scheduled the transactionusr
- the target contractcodeHash
- the code hash ofusr
- parameters for the transactionearliestExecutionTime
- earliest time when the transaction can be executeddescription
- the transaction description
3. Walkthrough
is designed to be used as a component in a governance system, to give affected parties time to respond to decisions. If those affected by governance decisions have e.g. exit or veto rights, then the pause can serve as an effective check on governance power.
Scheduled Transactions
A scheduledTransaction
describes a single delegatecall
operation and a unix timestamp earliestExecutionTime
before which it cannot be executed.
A scheduledTransaction
consists of:
: address todelegatecall
: the expected codehash ofusr
to useearliestExecutionTime
: first possible time of execution (as seconds since unix epoch)
Each scheduled tx has a unique id, defined as keccack256(abi.encode(usr, codeHash, parameters, earliestExecutionTime))
Transaction Execution
In order to protect the internal storage of the pause from malicious writes during scheduledTransaction
execution, we perform the actual delegatecall
operation in a seperate contract with an isolated storage context (DSPauseProxy
). Each pause has it's own individual proxy
This means that scheduledTransactions
are executed with the identity of the proxy
, and when integrating the pause into some auth scheme, you probably want to trust the pause's proxy
and not the pause itself.
4. Gotchas (Potential source of user error)
Identity & Trust
In order to protect the internal storage of the pause from malicious writes during proposal execution, we perform the delegatecall
operation in a separate contract with an isolated storage context (DSPauseProxy), where each pause has its own individual proxy.
This means that proposals are executed with the identity of the proxy
. Thus when integrating the pause into some auth scheme, you will want to trust the pause's proxy and not the pause itself.
5. Failure Modes (Bounds on Operating Conditions & External Risk Factors)
A break of any of the following would be classified as a critical issue:
High level
There is no way to bypass the delay
The code executed by the delegatecall cannot directly modify storage on the pause
The pause will always retain ownership of it's proxy
authority, owner, and delay can only be changed if an authorized user schedules a proposal to do so
A proposal can only be executed if its eta is after block.timestamp + delay
A proposal can only be scheduled by authorized users
A proposal can only be executed if it has previously been scheduled
A proposal can only be executed once it's eta has passed
A proposal can only be executed if its tag matches extcodehash(usr)
A proposal can only be executed once
A proposal can be executed by anyone
A proposal can only be abandoned by authorized users
Other Failure Modes
- when the pause delay is set to the maximum, governance can no longer modify the system.
- when the pause delay is set to the minimum, it is easier to pass malicious governance actions.
Last updated
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