English Collateral Auction House

English collateral auctioneer that tries to recapitalize the system

1. Summary

English collateral auctions are used to sell collateral from SAFEs that have become undercollateralized in order to preserve the overall system health. The LiquidationEngine sends collateral to the EnglishCollateralAuctionHouse where it is auctioned in two phases: increaseBidSize and decreaseSoldAmount.

2. Contract Variables & Functions


  • contractEnabled - settlement flag (1 or 0).

  • AUCTION_HOUSE_TYPE - flag set to bytes32("COLLATERAL")

  • AUCTION_TYPE - flag set to bytes32("ENGLISH").

  • authorizedAccounts[usr: address] - addresses allowed to call modifyParameters() and disableContract().

  • safeEngine - storage of the SAFEEngine's address.

  • bids[id: uint] - storage of all bids.

  • collateralType - id of the collateral type for which the CollateralAuctionHouse is responsible.

  • bidIncrease - minimum bid increase (default: 5%).

  • bidDuration - bid duration (default: 3 hours).

  • totalAuctionLength - auction length (default: 2 days).

  • auctionsStarted - total auction count, used to track auction ids.

  • bidToMarketPriceRatio - the minimum size of the first bid compared to the latest recorded collateral price (for collateralType) in the system.

  • oracleRelayer - address of the OracleRelayer.

  • osm - collateral type OSM address

  • liquidationEngine - the address of the LiquidationEngine

Data Structures

  • Bid - state of a specific auction

    • bidAmount - paid system coins

    • amountToSell - quantity up for auction / collateral for sale

    • highBidder

    • bidExpiry - when a bid expires (and the auction ends)

    • auctionDeadline - max auction duration

    • forgoneCollateralReceiver - address of the SAFE being auctioned. Receives collateral during the decreaseSoldAmount phase

    • auctionIncomeRecipient - recipient of auction income / receives system coin income (this is the AccountingEngine contract)

    • amountToRaise - total system coins wanted from the auction


  • isAuthorized - checks whether an address is part of authorizedAddresses (and thus can call authed functions).


  • modifyParameters(bytes32 parameter, uint256 data) - update a uint256 parameter.

  • modifyParameters(bytes32 parameter, address data) - update an address parameter.

  • addAuthorization(usr: address) - add an address to authorizedAddresses.

  • removeAuthorization(usr: address) - remove an address from authorizedAddresses.

  • startAuction(forgoneCollateralReceiver: address, auctionIncomeRecipient: address, amountToRaise: uint256, amountToSell: uint256, initialBid: uint256 ) - function used by LiquidationEngine to start an auction / put collateral up for auction

  • restartAuction(id: uint256) - restart an auction if there have been 0 bids and the auctionDeadline has passed

  • increaseBidSize(id: uint256, amountToBuy: uint256, rad: uint256) - first phase of an auction. Increasing system coin bids for a set amountToSell of collateral

  • decreaseSoldAmount(id: uint256, amountToBuy: uint256, rad: uint256) - second phase of an auction. Set system coin bid for a decreasingamountToSellof collateral.

  • settleAuction(id: uint256) - claim a winning bid / settles a completed auction

  • terminateAuctionPrematurely(id: uint256) - used during GlobalSettlement to terminate increaseBidSize phase auctions and transfer the collateral to the settlement contract while repaying system coins (the winning bid) to the highest bidder.

  • bidAmount(id: uint256) public view returns (uint256) - return the latest bidAmount from a specific auction

  • remainingAmountToSell(id: uint256) public view returns (uint256) - return the remaining collateral amount to sell from a specific auction

  • forgoneCollateralReceiver(uint id) public view returns (address) - return theforgoneCollateralReceiver for a specific auction

  • raisedAmount(id: uint256) - always returns zero

  • amountToRaise(uint id) public view returns (uint256) - return the amount of system coins to raise for a specific auction


  • AddAuthorization - emitted when a new address becomes authorized. Contains:

    • account - the new authorized account

  • RemoveAuthorization - emitted when an address is de-authorized. Contains:

    • account - the address that was de-authorized

  • StartAuction- emitted when startAuction(address, address, uint256, uint256, uint256) is successfully executed. Contains:

    • id - auction id

    • auctionsStarted - total amount of auctions started up until now

    • amountToSell - amount of collateral sold in the auction

    • initialBid - starting bid for the auction (usually zero).

    • amountToRaise - amount of system coins that should be raised by the auction.

    • forgoneCollateralReceiver - receiver of leftover collateral (usually the SAFE whose collateral was confiscated by the LiquidationEngine).

    • auctionIncomeRecipient - receiver of system coins (usually the AccountingEngine)

    • auctionDeadline - the auction's deadline

  • ModifyParameters - emitted when a parameter is updated

  • RestartAuction - emitted when an auction restarts due to a lack of bids. Contains:

    • id - the ID of the auction to restart

    • auctionDeadline - the new deadline for the auction with the ID id

  • IncreaseBidSize - emitted when a bidder offers more system coins for the same amount of collateral. Contains:

    • id - the id of the auction being bid on

    • highBidder - the new high bidder (new auction winner which is set to msg.sender)

    • amountToBuy - total amount of collateral being bought from the auction

    • rad - the new system coin bid

    • bidExpiry - the timestamp after which the new bid will be considered final and highBidder can receive the collateral (even if bidExpiry < auctionDeadline)

  • DecreaseSoldAmount - emitted when someone accepts a smaller amount of collateral for the same amount of rad system coins bid in the increaseBidSize phase. Contains:

    • id - the id of the auction being bid on

    • highBidder - the new high bidder (new auction winner which is set to msg.sender)

    • amountToBuy - new (and lower) amount of collateral being bought from the auction

    • rad - same system coin bid as the winning bid from the

    • bidExpiry - the timestamp after which the new bid will be considered final and highBidder can receive the collateral (even if bidExpiry < auctionDeadline)

  • SettleAuction - emitted after an auction is settled. Contains:

    • id - the ID of the auction that has just been settled

  • TerminateAuctionPrematurely - emitted after an auction is terminated prematurely by an authed address. Contains:

    • id - the ID of the auction being terminated

    • sender - msg.sender

    • bidAmount - the amount of system coins that should have been raised by the auction

    • collateralAmount - the total amount of collateral that should have been sold by the auction

3. Walkthrough

Starting in the increaseBidSize-phase, bidders compete for an amountToSell of collateral with increasing bid amounts of system coins. The very first bidAmount will need to be higher than or equal to latest collateral price in collateral OSM * bidToMarketPriceRatio / RAY. This ensures that no bidder can submit an extremely small bidAmount and thus pay a negligible price for the entire amountToSell collateral.

Once amountToRaise amount of system coins has been raised, the auction moves to the decreaseSoldAmount-phase. This phase is meant to incentivize bidders to returns as much collateral as possible back to the SAFE while still paying amountToRaise system coins.

Once the auction's last bid has expired or the auction itself has reached the auctionDeadline anyone can call settleAuction to payout the highest bidder (Bid.highBidder). This moves collateral from the CollateralAuctionHouse's balance in the SAFEEngine to the winning bidder's balance.

When the auction is settled (or terminated prematurely), the contract will call the LiquidationEngine in order to removeCoinsFromAuction (subtract bids[auctionId].amountToRaise from LiquidationEngine.currentOnAuctionSystemCoins).

Last updated

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