Opening a SAFE

Steps to open a SAFE and withdraw system coins

Import all the necessary dependencies:

>>> from web3 import Web3, HTTPProvider
>>> from pyflex import Address
>>> from pyflex.deployment import GfDeployment
>>> from pyflex.keys import register_keys
>>> from pyflex.numeric import Wad 

Connect to an Ethereum node:

>>> ETH_RPC_URL = "http://localhost:8545"
>>> web3 = Web3(HTTPProvider(endpoint_uri=ETH_RPC_URL, request_kwargs={"timeout": 60}))

Set your account and keystore file and then enter your keystore password:

>>> web3.eth.defaultAccount ='0xdD1693BD8E307eCfDbe51D246562fc4109f871f8'
>>> register_keys(web3, ['key_file=key.json'])
Password for key.json: 

Instantiate an Address object to use later. Then, initialize a GEB object:

>>> our_address = Address(web3.eth.defaultAccount)
>>> geb = GfDeployment.from_node(web3=web3)

Currently ETH-A is the only supported collateral:

>>> collateral = geb.collaterals['ETH-A']

Setup your approvals in order to join/exit collateral and system coins in and out of the system.

>>> collateral.approve(our_address)
>>> geb.approve_system_coin(our_address)

Set the amount of collateral to deposit and the amount of debt to withdraw:

>>> collateral_amount = Wad.from_number(2.0)
>>> debt_amount = Wad.from_number(85)

deposit collateral and join it into the system:

>>> collateral.collateral.deposit(collateral_amount).transact()
>>> collateral.adapter.join(our_address, collateral_amount).transact()

Open a SAFE depositing the collateral and increasing your system coin balance in the SAFEEngine :

>>> geb.safe_engine.modify_safe_collateralization(collateral_type, our_address, delta_collateral=collateral_amount, delta_debt=debt_amount).transact()

Check your coin balance in the SAFEEngine :

>>> geb.safe_engine.coin_balance(our_address)

exit system coin in ERC20 form:

>>> geb.system_coin_adapter.exit(our_address, debt_amount).transact()

Last updated

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