Accounting Engine

The protocol's accountant, keeping track of surplus and deficit

1. Summary

The AccountingEngine receives both system surplus and system debt. It covers deficits via debt auctions and disposes off surplus via auctions (Burning/RecyclingSurplusAuctionHouse) or transfers (to extraSurplusReceiver).

2. Contract Variables & Functions


  • contractEnabled - settlement flag (1 or 0).

  • authorizedAccounts[usr: address] - addresses allowed to call modifyParameters() and disableContract().

  • safeEngine - address of the SAFEEngine.

  • surplusAuctionHouse - address of the PreSettlementSurplusAuctionHouse.

  • debtAuctionHouse - address of the DebtAuctionHouse.

  • systemStakingPool - the system's staking pool acting as lender of first resort.

  • extraSurplusReceiver - address that receives surplus in case the strategy to get rid of excessive surplus is transfer instead of auction.

  • debtQueue[timestamp: uint256]- the system debt queue. The LiquidationEngine adds a new debt block every time it starts a new collateral auction. Each block can be popped out of the list after


  • debtPoppers[timestamp: uint256] - mapping that records the addresses which pop debt out of debtQueue.

  • lastSurplusTransferTime - the last timestamp when the engine transferred extra surplus out.

  • lastSurplusAuctionTime - the last timestamp when the engine auctioned extra surplus.

  • surplusTransferDelay - the minimum delay between two consecutive extra surplus transfers.

  • surplusAuctionDelay - the minimum delay between two consecutive extra surplus auctions.

  • extraSurplusIsTransferred - 0 if extra surplus is auctioned, 1 if it's transferred.

  • postSettlementSurplusDrain- contract meant to auction/dispose off any remaining surplus after the AccountingEngine is disabled (and in case surplus couldn't be settled with bad debt because of a bug).

  • protocolTokenAuthority **** - address of **** authority contract that says which addresses are able to mint an burn protocol tokens.

  • totalQueuedDebt- the total amount of debt in the queue.

  • totalOnAuctionDebt- the total amount of debt being auctioned in the DebtAuctionHouse.

  • popDebtDelay- length of time for which a debt block must stay in the debtQueue.

  • debtAuctionBidSize- the fixed amount of debt to be covered by a single debt auction.

  • initialDebtAuctionMintedTokens- the starting amount of protocol tokens offered to cover the auctioned debt.

  • surplusAuctionAmountToSell- amount of surplus to be sold in a single surplus auction.

  • surplusTransferAmount - the amount of extra surplus that is transferred with transferExtraSurplus().

  • surplusBuffer- threshold that must be exceeded before surplus auctions are possible.

  • disableCooldown- time that must elapse after the AccountingEngine is disabled and until it can send all its remaining surplus to the postSettlementSurplusDrain. Must be bigger than GlobalSettlement.shutdownCooldown.

  • disableTimestamp- timestamp when the AccountingEngine was disabled.


  • isAuthorized **** - checks whether an address is part of authorizedAddresses (and thus can call authed functions).


  • modifyParameters(bytes32 parameter, uint256 data) - update a uint256 parameter.

  • modifyParameters(bytes32 parameter, address data) - update an address parameter.

  • addAuthorization(usr: address) - add an address to authorizedAddresses.

  • removeAuthorization(usr: address) - remove an address from authorizedAddresses.

  • canPrintProtocolTokens() public view returns (bool) - returns true if systemStakingPool is null or if systemStakingPool.canPrintProtocolTokens() reverts. Returns true or false depending on what systemStakingPool.canPrintProtocolTokens() returns.

  • pushDebtToQueue(debtBlock: uint256) - adds a bad debt block to the auctions queue.

  • popDebtFromQueue(timestamp: uint256) - release a debt block from the debt queue.

  • settleDebt(rad: uint256) - calls settleDebt on the safeEngine in order to cancel out surplus and debt.

  • cancelAuctionedDebtWithSurplus(rad: uint256) - cancels out surplus coming from DebtAuctionHouse auctions and auctioned (bad) debt.

  • auctionSurplus() - trigger a surplus auction (SurplusAuctionHouse.startAuction).

  • transferExtraSurplus() - transfers extra surplus (above the surplusBuffer) from the engine to extraSurplusReceiver.

  • auctionDebt() - trigger a deficit auction (DebtAuctionHouse.startAuction).

  • settleDebtAuction(id: uint256) - authed function meant to be called by debtAuctionHouse in order to signal that a specific auction settled.

  • transferPostSettlementSurplus() - transfer any post settlement, leftover surplus to thepostSettlementSurplusDrain. Meant to be a backup in case GlobalSettlement.processSAFE has a bug (cannot process a specific Safe), governance doesn't have power over the system and there's still surplus left in the AccountingEngine which then blocks GlobalSettlement.setOutstandingCoinSupply.

  • disableContract() - set contractEnabled to zero and settle as much remaining debt as possible (if any)


  • AddAuthorization - emitted when a new address becomes authorized. Contains:

    • account - the new authorized account

  • RemoveAuthorization - emitted when an address is de-authorized. Contains:

    • account - the address that was de-authorized

  • ModifyParameters - emitted when a parameter is modified

  • PushDebtToQueue - emitted when a new debt block is added to debtQueue. Contains:

    • timestamp - timestamp at which the debt block is pushed into debtQueue

    • debtQueueBlock - the size of the debt block

    • totalQueuedDebt - total amount of queued debt in the queue

  • PopDebtFromQueue - emitted when a debt block is popped out of the debtQueue. Contains:

    • timestamp - timestamp from which all the debt is popped out of the queue

    • debtQueueBlock - amount of debt popped from the queue

    • totalQueuedDebt - total remaining amount of queued debt in the queue

  • SettleDebt - emitted when an amount of debt that is not queued or in a debt auction is settled with an equal amount of surplus. Contains:

    • rad - the amount of debt to settle

    • coinBalance - the remaining amount of surplus after the debt is settled

    • debtBalance - the remaining amount of debt after rad debt is settled

  • CancelAuctionedDebtWithSurplus - emitted when the contract settles debt that was in a debt auction. Contains:

    • rad - amount of auctioned debt to settle

    • totalOnAuctionDebt - remaining amount of debt being auctioned

    • coinBalance - the AccountingEngine's coin balance after the debt is settled

    • debtBalance - remaining amount of debt

  • AuctionDebt - emitted when a new debt auction starts. Contains:

    • id - the ID of the new debt auction

    • totalOnAuctionDebt - total debt being auctioned across all debt auctions

    • debtBalance - the AccountingEngine's debt balance in the SAFEEngine

  • AuctionSurplus - emitted when a new surplus auction starts. Contains:

    • id - the ID of the new surplus auction

    • lastSurplusAuctionTime - the current timestamp which is now the last time when a surplus auction was triggered

    • coinBalance - the AccountingEngine's surplus balance

  • DisableContract - emitted when the contract is disabled

  • TransferPostSettlementSurplus - emitted when any remaining surplus after the contract is disabled is transferred to the postSettlementSurplusDrain. Contains:

    • postSettlementSurplusDrain - the address of the surplus drain

    • coinBalance - the remaining surplus balance of the AccountingEngine

    • debtBalance - the remaining debt balance of the AccountingEngine

  • TransferExtraSurplus - emitted when extra surplus is transferred to extraSurplusReceiver. Contains:

    • extraSurplusReceiver - the address of the extraSurplusReceiver

    • lastSurplusAuctionTime - the current block timestamp

    • coinBalance - the current coin balance of the AccountingEngine now that some surplus has been transferred

3. Walkthrough

Auctioning Debt

When a SAFE is liquidated, the seized debt is put in a queue in the AccountingEngine. This occurs at the block timestamp of the liquidateSAFE action (debtQueue[timestamp]). It can be released with the help of popDebtFromQueue once AccountingEngine.popDebtDelay has expired. Once released, it can be settled using the surplus gathered from the SAFE's liquidation or, if there wasn't enough surplus gathered, the debt can be auctioned using the DebtAuctionHouse. NOTE: the AccountingEngine can start a new debt auction only if canPrintProtocolTokens returns true and if canPrintProtocolTokens also doesn't unexpectedly revert.

The main risk is related to popDebtDelay < CollateralAuctionHouse.totalAuctionLength which would result in debt auctions starting before the associated collateral auctions could complete.

Auctioning Surplus

When the AccountingEngine has a surplus balance above the surplusBuffer (safeEngine.coinBalance[accountingEngine] > surplusBuffer), if the extra surplus on top of the buffer is not reserved to nullify the engine's bad debt (safeEngine.debtBalance[accountingEngine]) and if extraSurplusIsTransferred is 0, the extra surplus can be auctioned off using the Burning/RecyclingSurplusAuctionHouse. This process results in burning protocol tokens that are being offered in exchange for the auctioned surplus.

Transferring Extra Surplus

When the AccountingEngine has a surplus balance above the surplusBuffer (safeEngine.coinBalance[accountingEngine] > surplusBuffer), if the extra surplus on top of the buffer is not reserved to nullify the engine's bad debt (safeEngine.debtBalance[accountingEngine]) and if extraSurplusIsTransferred is 1, the extra surplus can be transferred to extraSurplusReceiver.

Disabling the Accounting Engine

When an authorized address calls AccountingEngine.disableContract the system will try to settle as much remaining safeEngine.debtBalance[accountingEngine] as possible.

4. Gotchas (Potential source of user error)

  • When the AccountingEngine is upgraded, there are multiple references to it that must be updated at the same time (GlobalSettlement, TaxCollector, CoinSavingsAccount).

  • The AccountingEngine is the only user with a non-zero totalQueuedDebt balance (not a safeEngine invariant as there can be multiple AccountingEngines).

  • CollateralType storage is split across the SafeEngine, TaxCollector, CoinSavingsAccount and AccountingEngine modules. The LiquidationEngine also stores the liquidation penalty and maximum auction size.

  • A portion of the Stability Fee is allocated for the Coin Savings Acount by increasing the amount of totalQueuedDebt in the AccountingEngine at every CoinSavingsAccount.updateAccumulatedRate( ) call.

  • Setting an incorrect value for accountingEngine can cause the surplus to be lost or stolen.

5. Failure Modes (Bounds on Operating Conditions & External Risk Factors)

Safe Liquidation

  • A failure mode could arise when no actors call cancelAuctionedDebtWithSurplus, popDebtFromQueue or settleDebt to reconcile/queue the debt.


  • A failure mode could arise if a user does not call auctionSurplusor auctionDebt to kick off auctions.

  • AccountingEngine.popDebtDelay, when set too high (popDebtDelay is too long), the auctionDebt auctions can no longer occur. This provides a risk of undercollateralization.

  • AccountingEngine.popDebtDelay, when set too low, can cause too many auctionDebt auctions, while preventing auctionSurplus auctions from occurring.

  • AccountingEngine.surplusAuctionAmountToSell, when set too high, can result in no auctionSurplus auctions being possible. Thus, if no auctionSurplus auction takes place, there will be no FLX bidding as part of that process and, accordingly, no automated FLX burn as a result of a successful auction.

  • AccountingEngine.surplusAuctionAmountToSell, when set too low, results in auctionSurplus auctions not being profitable for participants (amountToSell size is worth less than gas cost). Thus, no FLX will be bid during a auctionSurplus auction and, as a result, there will be no automated FLX burn.

  • AccountingEngine.debtAuctionBidSize, when set too high, no auctionDebt auctions are possible. This results in the system not being able to recover from an undercollateralized state.

  • AccountingEngine.debtAuctionBidSize, when set too low, auctionDebt auctions are not profitable for participants (where the amountToSell size is worth less than gas cost). This results in FLX inflation due to automated FLX minting.

  • AccountingEngine.initialDebtAuctionMintedTokens, when set too high, auctionDebt auctions risk not being able to close or mint a large amount of FLX, creating a risk of FLX dilution and the possibility of a governance attack.

  • AccountingEngine.initialDebtAuctionMintedTokens, when set too low, auctionDebt auctions have to be startAuctioned many times before they will be interesting to keepers.

  • AccountingEngine.surplusBuffer, when set too high, the auctionSurplus auctions would never occur. If a auctionSurplus auction does not occur, there is no sale of surplus, and thus, no burning of bid FLX.

  • AccountingEngine.surplusBuffer, if set too low, can cause surplus to be auctioned off via auctionSurplus auctions before it is used to cancel debtBalance from liquidations, necessitating auctionDebt auctions and making the system run inefficiently.

Last updated

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